
Base network functionality

  • Network Transform with configurable rate and client-side smoothing

  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)

  • Channel system (can be used as rooms or to tune visibility)

  • Distance based updates (server-side configurable)

  • Reliable ordered packets

Data-based functionality

  • News system: create/edit your news and show them in the project front-end or launcher

  • Public and private key/value storage: use it to store key/value pairs, can be used to store custom information, save-games, etc.

  • Live events: send an RPC-like event with custom data to all your connected users, or just to a concrete channel

  • User management: let your players create an account and use it in-game, it includes a register and login system, editable user data (like display name and e-mail), a roles system and a guild-like groups system

  • Item management: create items and currencies, make your players collect them in their per-user inventory, etc.

Last updated